

According to the 2011 census Jashpur district has a population of 8,51,669.Jashpur has a sex ratio of 1004 females for every 1000 males, and a literacy rate of 67.92%

Geographical Information
Name of the Geographical Unit Detail of the Geographical Unit
District Formation date 25 May 1998
Position of Jashpur District  North-eastern corner of the state of Chhattisgarh
Latitude: Jashpur district Located Between  22° 17′ and 23° 15′ North latitude
Longitude: Jashpur district Located Between 83° 30′ and 84° 24′ East longitude.
Height From Sea Level 1200 Meters
Temperature (Average): Max – 38° Min – 5 °
Area 6205 Sq KM
Forest Area 898 Sq km (Year-2015-16)
Climate The Climate is ideal with a beautiful monsoon, a mild summer and a bearable Winter
Average Rainfall(June to Oct.) 1487 mm ( Year-2017)
Surrounding Districts Jashpur District surrounding with Gumla ,Raigarh and Ambikapur district  
Administrative Setup
Name of the Organizational Unit Detail of the Organizational Unit
Sub Division 5 (Jashpur,Kunkuri,Bagicha,Patthalgaon,Farsabahar)
Tehsil 9 (Jashpur,Manora,Duldula,Kunkuri,Farsabahar,bagicha,Kansabel,Sanna, patthalgaon)
Janpad 8 (Jashpur,Manora,Duldula,Kunkuri,Farsabahar,bagicha,Kansabel,patthalgaon)
Nagar Nigam Nil
Nagar Palika Parishad 1 (Jashpur)
Nagar Panchayat 4(Kunkuri,Bagicha,patthalgaon,Kotba)
Gram Panchayat 427
Total Village 766
Forest Village 0
Revenue Inspector Circle 10
Patwari Halka 208
Forest Division 1
Police Station 13
Police Chauki 7
Discription Reference Year 2011
Population 8,51,669(Rural-7,75,677,Urban-75,992)
Male Population 4,24,747
Female Population 4,26,922
Population growth Rate(%) 14.60
Population Density (Per Sq Km) 146
female-Male Ratio(Every 1000) 1004
Population of 0-6 Age Group 1,22,266
Scheduled Caste 48,844 (5.73 % of Total Population )
Scheduled Tribe 5,30,378 (62.37 % of Total Population)
Literate 67.92%
Literate Male 77.32%
Literate Female 58.61%