
Integrated Initial Seniority List (Closing Date 20-01-2020) for Claim-objection of Teachers Panchayat Cadre (Rural / Urban Body), who have completed service period of 08 years or more on 01-01-2020

Integrated Initial Seniority List (Closing Date 20-01-2020) for Claim-objection of Teachers Panchayat Cadre (Rural / Urban Body), who have completed service period of 08 years or more on 01-01-2020
Title Description Start Date End Date File
Integrated Initial Seniority List (Closing Date 20-01-2020) for Claim-objection of Teachers Panchayat Cadre (Rural / Urban Body), who have completed service period of 08 years or more on 01-01-2020

Office P&RD Jashpur

Last Date for Claim objection – 20-01-2020

Attachment – Integrated Initial Seniority List

15/01/2020 20/01/2020 View (893 KB) Class 01 T cadre (3 MB) Class 02 E cadre (458 KB) Category 02 PTI E cadre (383 KB) Class 02 T cadre (2 MB) Class 03E Cadre (437 KB) Class 03T Cadre (1 MB)